My cv / Resume
My experience with research, teaching, and consulting
Consulting Experience / Resume
For a translation of my experience into non-academic terms, please see my LinkedIn profile:
My Full Academic CV
My research focuses on utilizing user experience (UX) design, content strategy, and other participatory research methods to help people improve their communities and organizations. This emphasis on digital technology, technical communication, and community engagement leads me to develop communication and design projects with non-profits, businesses, and community-based organizations, in addition to collaborating with university researchers, teachers, and students.
Description of Experience
I have a range of experience as a researcher, teacher, and consultant that spans many years and many different types of organizations.
I have published research findings in leading academic journals in the field of Technical and Professional Communication (TPC) and in leading trade journals in the disciplines of UX and content strategy. For a full list of my research publications, see this page or my full CV (above).
I have taught at the college level for over 20 years, including classes in academic writing, technical writing, web design, UX, content strategy, grant writing, and business writing, among other subjects. I have taught students ranging from first-semester community college students to Ph.D. students.
I have worked as a consultant for over 10 years for organizations ranging from small businesses and non-profits to large enterprises from a variety of industries. I have helped a range of organizations create compelling content, user experiences, and technical documentation.
I’m always open for research, teaching, and consulting partnerships