My newest book chapter, Ensuring High-Quality Student User Experiences: PARS and the Technical Communication Online Writing Class, is currently available in the book PARS in Practice: More Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors. In the chapter, I explore how online writing instructors can use user experience methods to improve the design of their online classes.
Why Do We Need Best Practices in Student User Experience?
As I explain in the article, online writing instructors function as de facto user experience designers in that they are trying to guide student users through a learning experience involving technology. However, UX methods can be burdensome, especially to those unfamiliar with them. This is why I distill some of the most common methods (usability testing, persona development) into flexible, lean practices that any instructor can use as part of their normal course preparation.
What Are Some UX Methods Online Instructors Can Use?
I identify versions of several UX methods online instructors can use to improve their course preparation, including:
- Personal development
- Prototyping
- Usability testing
- Reflection and maintenance
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Getto, G. (2021). Ensuring high-quality student user experiences: PARS and the technical communication online writing class. In J. Borgman & C. McArdle (Eds.), PARS in practice: More resources and strategies for online writing instructors (pp. 293-303). WAC Clearinghouse.